Sept. 19
Burglary in progress: 900 block of Harding Road, Elma, 4:19 a.m. Subjects in backyard with flashlight trying to get into vacant duplex.
Fraud or blackmail: First block of Virginia Lane, Elma, 4:50 p.m. Reporting party states CenturyLink spent 4 hours remotely working on her computer and told her they would deposit money into her account, then come by for a check for that money. Reporting party was told by CenturyLink that they do not offer the computer sales service.
Sept. 20
Reckless act or driving: Monte-Elma Road and Middle Satstop Road, Montesano, 10:19 p.m. Two-door white Mazda not slowing down. Coming into Monte; passing fire station; slowing. Vehicle stopped at grocery store. Radar shows vehicle speed was at 90 mph. Vehicle impounded.
Suspicious vehicle: 400 block of South Bank Road, Elma, 2:11 p.m. A silver and blue dodge four-wheel drive with a loud exhaust was in reporting party’s corn field the previous day. Vehicle returned today. Subject appeared to be under the influence.
Sept. 25
Warrant service or confirmation: First block of Heise Road North, Elma, 12:32 a.m. Hang-up call to 911. Felony warrant confirmed. “Vehicle coming out right at me; going to attempt to stop it.” One held at gunpoint. Running. Ran behind the residence. Vehicle impounded.
Vehicle accident with injuries: 4800 block of state Route 12, Elma, 6:37 p.m. Vehicle vs. bicyclist. Child is upright. Maroon semi struck 11-year-old male. Child complaining of leg pain and laceration.