This year will be pivotal for Boeing’s 777x program. The company has invested over a billion dollars on its new composite wing plant at Everett. It is programmed to build and test six new 777s.
Car tab relief is one topic. How directors of the regional transit authority are chosen is another.
Many Democratic lawmakers might warm to the tax change, but not the diversion of dollars.
The president should use the upcoming State of the Union speech to unify the country. Congress, likewise, should look for ways to take those recommendations and work together.
We can be thankful that our market-based, free enterprise system provides the wealth which allows our government and charitable organization to invest in programs that improve our health.
During the month of December at Simpson Elementary we have lots of fun activities going on. Starting at the beginning of the month we have Food Bowl activities taking place, raising funds and food for area food banks. These activities are always a highlight of student’s years, and they make great memories.
Christmas is a difficult time for anyone grieving the death of a loved one. It is especially hard when they were slain in the line-of-duty while protecting our country.
A lawmaker’s statewide plan would remove culverts, redo the U.S. 2 trestle and fund many other projects.
In an annual rite, lawmakers are already putting bills in the hopper they want to debate next year.
Set Free ministry reopens doors to help women and teens in crisis.
Can a little-known thoroughbred from the Pacific Northwest capture the 2020 derby of Democratic presidential candidates?
Our state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) quarterly update shows a whopping 17.3% increase in state income for the current biennium.
By Don Brunell