If you are available during the day on Thursday, Nov. 16, and/or Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 24 and 25, you can make a big impact just by being in the audience for a State Parks Commission meeting.
There are seven commissioners representing all parts of the state. Meetings are held every two months in various locations all over the state. In November they will be in Westport at the Maritime Museum, and in January they will be in Montesano at the City Hall.
On Wednesdays the parks staff presents information to the commissioners. Those days we in the audience learn more about the complexities of running the parks system. On Thursdays the commissioners deal with an agenda of business. Audience members are encouraged to make comments at the beginning or the end of the meeting or as each agenda item is discussed, if the comment is pertinent to that item. Come either day or both.
The meetings run from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. or so, with a break for lunch. You’re invited to attend when ever your schedule allows. You do not have to speak — just your interest and presence will show how much parks mean to people in our area. Few people attend these meetings unless they have complaints to make, so just by being a member of the audience, you will be noticed and appreciated as a supporter of our state parks.
Helen Hepp