Superior Court to host Adoption Day celebration
Dear Editor:
This month, many of us will gather with our families to give thanks for our loved ones and the good things in our lives. But hundreds of foster children here in our state and our communities cannot share fully in that celebration — they have no permanent homes to be thankful for.
In Washington, almost 8,800 children are in foster care, and nearly 1,600 have permanently lost their parents and are waiting for families to adopt them. They are waiting to belong somewhere.
Child welfare workers and the courts in Grays Harbor County would like the community to know more about these children, our children, and about foster adoption and how it works. We’ll be having a small celebration of National Adoption Day on Nov. 18 at Grays Harbor County Superior Court, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Celebrations like this are happening around our state and the U.S. It’s a growing effort to find homes for foster children. A lot of people simply don’t know how many are waiting for parents.
I want to invite anyone interested in adoption or learning more about it to please join us and help us make this a wonderful community celebration.
Jamie Bates
Grays Harbor County Superior Court administrator