Dear Editor:
We hear of violent attacks on innocent people weekly, if not daily. We call it terrorism. Don’t say “It can’t happen here,” because it already has.
The difference between the truck driven into pedestrians on the London Bridge and the truck backed over campers at Donkey Creek is only in the number of dead. Each driver had a sense of superiority, feeling his place in the world was greater than that of the victim. Being drunk on alcohol is no more of an excuse than being drunk on ideology. Both result in anger and hate justifying violence in the mind of the perpetrator.
Most of us have experienced feelings of anger and hate. Most of us, most of the time, do not act violently because of them. We think through our emotions and turn away wrath. We let the legal system handle serious matters of harm.
Since the last presidential campaign, there has been a tacit acceptance of violent speech and behavior in the political realm. Those who voted for Donald Trump, please search your soul and re-evaluate what you bought into. Those who oppose Donald Trump, please refuse to sink to his level.
Robin Moore