Dear Editor:
The fall sports season has come to an end, and with that, we wish to express the joy we have experienced in hosting all of the Montesano High School students who attended the Fifth Quarters at our church after all of the home football games this past season.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Fifth Quarter – for the past seven years, our church has opened its doors to all of the Montesano High School students after every home football game and provided some food and a place to socialize.
Church members, Tim and Nancy Crass started this mission project 7 years ago, and it has blossomed into a quite popular Friday night event.
The kids seem to really look forward to it – we sure do. At our last Fifth Quarter, there were about 150 students in attendance, and there were never fewer than 100 students at any Fifth Quarter event this year.
You may think it would be chaotic and maybe “zoo-like,” but it never was. On our end, we always had many volunteers to prepare the food and help serve. But the main reason it went so well is because our young people in Montesano are absolutely wonderful. They are always so polite and appreciative. Each one of them takes the initiative to thank us for serving the food, and often times some will come back to the kitchen to again thank us for providing the food and the place for them to socialize after the game.
So, a message to all of the parents of these great kids: Great job on raising such polite and respectful kiddos. You can rest assured that when they are out of your sight and on their own, they still do express their appreciation and gratefulness without having to be reminded. That should truly warm your hearts.
A big thank you also goes to the Montesano Booster Club for their generous donation toward the Fifth Quarter program. It is very much appreciated. Again, students of Montesano High School, we appreciate the joy you bring to all of us at the Church of God.
God Bless the Bulldogs,
Montesano Church of God