By Rossi Newbill
For The Vidette
I am Rossi Newbill, and I am in fifth grade at Simpson Elementary School. Here at Simpson there are a lot of things going on, like word of the month.
The word of the month word is “integrity.” One student from each class receives an award that is laminated and displayed in the office all month.
We just got new Associated Student Body officers for Simpson School. Our new officers are:
President: Caleb Bruland
Vice President: Owen Young
Treasure: Hudson Royer
Secretary: Cadence Crawford
Member at Large: Karlee Watson
Sergeant at Arms: Emily Kuntz
Those are our ASB officers!
Also, in February is Pink Shirt Day.
Pink Shirt Day started because a boy wore a pink shirt to school and got bullied about it. When all the other kids found out they communicated with the whole school about it. So they decided to all wear pink to stand against bullies. Now, February 27 is National Pink Shirt Day and everyone wears pink to unite against bullying.
Those are some things we do at Simpson School.
Enjoy the snow while it lasts!