Best of Twin Harbors balloting starts soon

It’s time again to vote for your favorite businesses, services and reasons for living around here. The Daily World’s Best of Twin Harbors 2020 balloting is underway.

Ballots appear on our website and they will run in print editions of The Daily World four Saturdays in a row starting Feb. 22, and once each in The Vidette and North Coast News on March 5.

Printed ballots must be turned in at The Daily World office by the end of the business day March 16. And online ballots must be filled in by midnight Sunday, March 15.

There are 109 categories in this year’s balloting and only ballots with at least 10 categories filled in will be counted.

New this year is a chance to vote for the best overall business in each community and one for the whole area. Think of those businesses that offer the best overall customer experience, whatever that means to you.

“This is a chance to recognize merchants and service providers who are doing it right,” Daily World and The Vidette Publisher Mike Hrycko said. “There are a lot of them and this is a way to show them that customers notice.”

And you’ll still get a chance to vote for your favorites in specific categories.

Here’s something that will be helpful to the businesses, people and places you vote for: Be as accurate as you can in telling us the name. If your vote for best real estate office is: “That one in Ocean Shores with the red pickup always out front,” that’s not gonna be good.

So, make your voices heard. It’s a great chance to give your favorites their due.