By Brayden Girard
Simpson Says
In December, Simpson School has a lot of exciting things going on like Food Bowl, Bulldogs of the Month, and Spirit Week.
We recently had our word of the month assembly which includes the new word for December, and the winners for the word of the month of November, which was “gratitude.”
Gratitude means “being thankful, showing appreciation, and for return of kindness”. To be picked as a winner a student has to show good examples of gratitude. Winners are picked in every class, the teachers pick who they think has shown the best example of gratitude.
In the hallway at Simpson, we have our Wall of Gratitude, which includes hands, emojis, Instagram and Twitter with a hashtag and a note to a teacher or staff member that a student wrote. Then when they took the wall down, the teachers would get their gratitude notes from the students.
Montesano and Elma have a tradition of competing in the Food Bowl competition every year.
Food Bowl helps families in the area that need food by supplying local food banks. Simpson students helped participate in activities by bringing a dollar or a can of food. For Spirit Week, sponsored by Simpson’s Associated Student Body, there was a different event every day, and they were class competitions. There was pajama day, college day and crazy hair day. For crazy hair day/pajama day there were a lot of people that came with wigs and crazy hair and most of the kids were in their pajamas. College day we saw a lot of kids supporting the Huskies and the Cougars, but there were kids wearing things from colleges out of the area.
One of the funnest competitions was pie in the face.
Students bought tickets to get their favorite (or least favorite) teacher selected. Five staff members will be selected to play the pie in the face challenge at the December word of the month assemblyThe fun activities have been a way of helping our local food bank, and all of the students at Simpson had a great time participating.
We had a fun assembly when Aberdeen’s Robert Gray Glee Club came to Simpson School to perform for us on Dec. 14. This was their sixth year performing Christmas Songs. Their first song was “Holiday Rock.” They have done many songs but they had two songs with solos. One of the solos was on “Holiday Rock.” The song’s solos were on electric guitar, and the saxophone. Another song they performed also had a trumpet solo.
They had holiday readings where they made up some holiday related roleplay skits, and when they performed them they had to pretend they were another person. So they were basically being actors for the readings.
They also sang “Jingle Bells” but not the way we all know it. This was the remix version. While they were singing, some people came on stage — Batman and two Jokers. Yes, you heard me, not one but two Jokers. During the assembly we had two other famous people — Santa and Rudolph. They danced during the song “Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer,” and they put on red noses.
All of us at Simpson School wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.
Brayden Girard is a sixth grader at Simpson School.