Pages of the Past: Women’s suffrage movement enjoying good backing in Montesano, 125 years ago this week

Pages of the Past for Jan. 16, 2020

125 years ago

Jan. 18, 1895

The farmers of the Wynooche who are agitating a creamery evidently mean business. Would it not be a good plan for our citizens to make an effort to have the creamery located in Montesano.


A surprise party was given Eula Jameson last Saturday noon, it being her ninth birthday. Quite a number of her young friends were present and all had a fine time.


The building of the logging railroad up Silvia creek is again being under consideration, so we understand. This proposition would prove a great thing for this county, and more particularly for Montesano. It is to be hoped that it will be built.


C.E. Jameson went to Whatcom Monday to look after some property interests in that city.


E.L. Walsh, who had been on the harbor for a week, returned to Montesano, Monday.


Several of the ladies of Montesano who are interested in the success of the plan to secure equal suffrage in this state, are circulating petitions asking the legislature to submit a constitutional amendment to a vote of the people. Over two hundred names have already been enrolled, very few refusing to sign it. Similar petitions are in circulation in other portions of the state.


Some of the loggers are fortunate in having the high water, even if no one else has occasion to be. Chas. Leavitt hardly expected to float his logs this season, but the high water carried them out for him and no doubt others have been equally fortunate.

100 years ago

Jan. 16, 1920

The basketball team of the Montesano American Legion met the Aberdeen Legion team in the high school gymnasium Tuesday night and defeated them by a score of 42 to 17.


Word was received late last night at The Vidette office that John J. Rottle of the Golden Rule store here was stealing a march on his friends and getting married in Portland.

Mr. Rottle intimated to some of his friends a short time ago that he might get spliced, but to the best of our knowledge no one in Montesano knew he was figuring on taking the plunge so soon.


Mrs. F.C. Davidson is entertaining as her house guest this week her sister, Mrs. Robert Gustafson. Mr. Gustafson was here a few days last week, but left for Wisconsin where his wife will follow him after her visit with Mrs. Davidson.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Leight of Montesano were visitors on Jan. 7 at the big exhibit of Southern California products maintained free to the public in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. The exhibit is the largest of any in the country maintained by a commercial organization. Before returning home, they expect to visit several of the many other places of interest in the Southland.


It’s all right for Grandpa T. F. Brown and Albert Schafer and Clint Winters to be chasing around to all the cities of the Northwest, but the excuse of looking at fire engines is getting old.

75 years ago

Jan. 18, 1945

Staff Sgt. George Rottle, son of the late Henry Rottle, former Montesano merchant, and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Rottle, was killed in action Dec. 27, over England, the War department informed his mother, Mrs. R.A. Wilmot, of Aberdeen, last Saturday. He was a gunner on a B-24 bomber. A brother, Bob, is in the paratroopers at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Young Rottle was born here in Montesano, and attended the Weatherwax high school in Aberdeen, where he was student body president in his senior year.


Pfc. Carroll F. Beardslee, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will O. Beardslee of the Wynooche valley, was reported missing in action Dec. 21 in Germany, according to a telegram received last Friday by his parents from the War department.

Young Beardslee entered the service December 6, 1943, and was sent overseas October 1944. He is the holder of the good conduct medal and the European theater of war ribbon.

He attended the local schools and was a student in the junior high school when he entered the service.


The War department announced last Monday that Capt. James Hollingsworth, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hollingsworth, has been “missing in action” since Dec. 25.

Capt. Hollingsworth, a pilot of a P-38, has seen considerable action in the North African theater, and recently completed a three-months “in operation” period in the European theater, as a pilot of a P-51 Mustang fighter plane. He has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three silver clusters.


Mrs. Edward Schafer announced this week that plans were well underway for the forming of a Brownie group of the Girl Scouts.

Many of the younger girls here in Montesano have shown considerable interest in the announced plan of the forming of this group.

The group is being sponsored by the ladies of St. Mark’s Episcopal church, with the first meeting to be held at Calder’s hall, at the church this coming Monday after school.

The group committee consists of Mrs. Edward Schafer, chairman; Mrs. Chester Byles, Mrs. Ted Wheeler, Mrs. Wm. J. Caldwell and Mrs. Clifford Palmer.

50 years ago

Jan. 15, 1970

The $21 million Wynooche Dam project, being constructed by the Dravo Corporation of Bellevue, is currently ahead of schedule. However, the actual delivery of water before 1972 is not possible due to the fact that a special coffer dam in the basin was cut out of the bid specifications.

These facts were revealed last week in Aberdeen, as the Corps of Army Engineers briefed local officials on the progress of the dam project located some 42 miles north of Montesano.

In commenting on the project, Vern Cooke, project engineer, told the various officials present, “The Corps plans at this time to ask Congress for an appropriation of some $6 million for further construction work at the site during fiscal 1971. This amount of money is necessary to assure a reasonable amount of work during that period.”


Dogs and garbage were the main bone of contention Tuesday evening as the Montesano City Council met for its first session of 1970.

In referring to the local dog problem, one that seems germane to small towns, Councilman Fred Easter said, “Maybe we should look into the feasibility of creating the position of Dog Chairman so as to enforce the existing dog ordinance. Last weekend, Councilman Larry Abbott, Police Chief Bruce Curtright and I chased a pack of dogs for nearly one hour before catching the ring leader and returning him to his home with the admonition that a license will have to be purchased.”

Councilman Easter also indicated that a review of the existing dog license requirement should be considered as he felt it was rather outdated. In commenting further, Easter said, “There must be at least 200 dogs running loose in this town that do not have valid licenses.”

The subject of garbage was brought up jointly by Easter and Abbott. Easter commented on the fact that garbage is presently being dumped in the northeast section of the cemetery and added, “I feel that a locked gate to the area should be recommended.”

Abbott, in reference to same subject, said, “There are several places around town that people are dumping garbage and litter. One is near the Montesano Equipment Co., and another is the Little League ball park. It is absolutely disgusting the way the park is being treated, and it is imperative for us to enforce the anti-litter law.”