125 years ago
Sept. 28, 1894
Eldridge Wheeler, who finished his school in the east district last week, began a term in the Fairview district west of town Monday.
Judge and Mrs. Irwin extended the hospitality of their home to a large number of their friends last Saturday evening. It was a pleasurable occasion for those present.
Mrs. M.A. Watkins will take charge of the Montesano house the first of the month, when Mrs. Johnson will remove to Chehalis. Mrs. Watkins is an old pioneer in the hotel business in this place and has a large acquaintance among the traveling public.
About three weeks ago, while E.J. Bebb was a the beach, some one forced their way into his store, and carried away two revolvers and a watch chain. For some reason his suspicions were fastened upon a young man named Ralph McKinnie, who left for Orting with a party of hop pickers about that time.
The petition of L.B. Bignold as a candidate for justice of the peace in Montesano has been filed with the auditor. It is not likely there will be any opposition to Mr. Bignold, as he makes a good officer and is a good man for the place.
Not long since Jos. Baumeister discovered a tree across the Northern Pacific track near the poor farm, and began clearing it away, but before he had succeeded the passenger train arrived; he flagged the train in time to avert disaster and the company has acknowledged his services by writing him and tendering him a pass over this division.
100 years ago
Sept. 12, 1919
E.D. Garrand, pioneer, and located in the Garrard creek bottom south of Oakville since 1872, has sold his ranch of 139 1/2 acres to Ed Benson and Carl Carlson, and will move to Olympia.
The electric generator at the plant of the Northwest Electric & Water works here that has been supplying Montesano and Elma with electricity, exploded last Sunday morning about 2 o’clock seriously injuring one man and slightly injuring two others.
Mrs. J.E. Calder entertained informally last Thursday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. G.K. Simmons and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Miller of Texas, Mrs. J.R. Lee, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Hutcheson and Mrs. J.I. Calder.
John J. Rottle of the Golden Rule store here was godfather in Hoquiam last Sunday. The occasion was the christening of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Bitar. The Christening was conducted in the Arabic, English and Greek languages.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Marcy leave this afternoon for Wapato to visit Dr. and Mrs. G.E. Marcy for a week or ten days. They will stop over in Seattle to see the fleet.
Mason Irwin left Monday morning for Seattle where he expects to go to school at the university this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Morse left yesterday for Seattle, where they will attend the Methodist conference being held there this week.
75 years ago
Sept. 28, 1944
Among the liveliest topics of postwar days is television. I haven’t had a chance to see it in action yet, but plenty of people around New York have. I notice that on September 28, television’s first full length musical comedy will be broadcast, or whatever television does, over Station WABD, Channel 4, New York. probably it will be quite a while before we can see such things around Grays Harbor because, as you doubtless know, television can’t go around corners like radio. It rushes into sightless space at the horizon and is stopped by mountains. But I understand they have picked sites for rebroadcasting units which, ultimately, will bring television to most of the country.
The folks who shop for beef will be interested in knowing these few facts — No beef may be pre-cut for stew at a price higher than ground beef — no fat may be added to any cut or piece of meat other than naturally attached fat — all cuts of boneless rump must have all bone removed — all excess fat on the tenderloin muscle must be removed.
50 years ago
Sept. 25, 1969
A nearly full house of spectators greeted the Montesano City Council Tuesday evening as local citizenry filled the city hall to hear what the councilmen thought about the possibility of water rate increases for those residing outside the city limits, a problem brought about during the first council meeting of September, when councilman Abbott indicated that, “As long as those who reside outside the city limits receive city water, then I think they should be assessed accordingly.” At that same meeting, a mention of a possible increase of 25% or 50% was mentioned.
Tuesday evening, Councilman Abbott noted, “There was nothing said at the previous meeting about actually raising the water rates, but I did feel an in-depth study should be made in regard to the problem, and I would like to shelve the question until our next meeting.”
The desire to shelve the water rate question until the next meeting was approved only after considerable comment from the spectators, which was culminated by George Vukich who said, “This is reminiscent of a few years ago when a certain LID proposal was shelved more than once, until such time as there were no objectors. Then, when no one appeared to voice an objection, the proposal was approved.” Vukich was assured by Mayor Steve Lewis this would not be the case. At any rate, whether or not water fees will be increased will be decided at the next council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 14.