There is a pattern of voter suppression across the country that has persisted for several election cycles and the upcoming midterms are no exception. We constantly hear reports about Georgia, Florida, North Dakota, Indiana, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, to name a few, were there is an undeniable effort to take voters off the roles. The one thing all these states have in common is that they have Republican governors, legislatures or other officials responsible for elections.
We must not allow this trend of voter suppression to gain a foothold here. We have been very lucky in Grays Harbor County to have had the county Auditor’s Office run open and fair elections and registrations. As the current auditor, Chris Thomas continues to uphold those values and the mission of the Auditor’s Office. His integrity and determination will assure this for the years to come.
Vote for Chris Thomas, county auditor.
Arthur (R.D.) Grunbaum