Re-elect Hooper for Hospital District 1
I want to voice my opinion on the upcoming hospital board election for Grays Harbor Public Hospital District No. 1, aka Summit Pacific Medical Center.
Drew Hooper is running for re-election and the district needs him. He has been a staunch supporter of all programs positive for as long as I’ve known him — and for me, that wasn’t until I retired from the hospital district over 10 years ago. I have come to know Drew (Andrew) over the years and as a retiree from the hospital, I cannot imagine a more qualified individual to serve. Drew not only listens to what is needed, but he also participates in different programs run by the hospital. What better way is there for a board member to understand the programs?
Mr. Hooper makes his living as a financial advisor. He is mine. I trust him completely with my personal finances, and I know he does a great job with the hospital’s finances. I’ve sat in on board meetings and am always impressed with his knowledge, and his mode of communication to the rest of us who need further explanation.
I support Andrew Hooper and I strongly urge everyone with a voice out there to step up to the plate, be counted as another supporter in this upcoming election.
Linda Thompson