Summit Pacific’s CEO to host three community forums

Community members are invited to attend one of Summit Pacific’s three upcoming community forums. Josh Martin, CEO, will be providing updates on featured services, new providers, information on the most recent Community Health Needs Assessment and other Summit Pacific updates. These events also offer the chance for community members to ask questions and share feedback.

Three community forums are being offered to suit a variety of schedules:

Monday, Nov. 11 at 4:30 p.m. in Summit Pacific’s Wellness Center, Ortquist Conference Center

Tuesday, Nov. 12 at noon at the McCleary Community Center

Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. in Summit Pacific’s Wellness Center, Ortquist Conference Center

No RSVP needed. Please contact Jori Stott, executive assistant at 360-346-2280 or by emailing for more information or with questions.