Battery powered locomotives could be coming soon
Just eliminating existing energy supplies without well-thought-out replacement strategies is a recipe for chaos.
5oth anniversary of moon landing also helps re-energize thirst to explore closest heavenly body.
We need to adapt to how we produce and dispose of waste.
Making higher education affordable is a national priority.
While politicians often tout their support for family-owned business, they are the least understood and most overlooked political constituency.
The world often copies Washington businesses when it comes to innovation.
You have to wonder if a project of this scope and magnitude could happen today with endless hoops to jump through, mounds of government red-tape and construction costs which were unimaginable in 1960.
Is it worth evicting somebody over a $70 tax bill?
E-waste is the most rapidly growing waste problem in the world. According to the United Nations, we generate about 40 million tons of it every year. This is equivalent to throwing out 800 laptops every single second.
The garbage is accumulating in “gyres” which are large systems of circulating ocean currents, kind of like slow-moving whirlpools. Though the oceans are home to many gyres, there are five that have a significant impact on our environment.
Before lawmakers wrap-up their work in Olympia, they should re-examine their hefty new state spending plan. The budget might not…
Things are about to change dramatically as more electric vehicles populate our roads and our government and manufacturers deal with the growing backlog of old car batteries.