Mayor discussed street conditions and highway intersection.
Council was asked to consider changes by members of the public.
Music festival planned for park
Voters have three days to challenge
Amendment adds clarification sentence to protect current businesses while moratorium is in effect.
Retiring auditor has confidence in replacement process
During the week of July 24-30, more than 4,200 anglers fished in the Westport coastal fishing area.
Hearing examiner stands behind recommendation
Ultimately, the city will ask voters to approve a four-year levy that would net the city $180,000.
The City of Montesano has awarded a project to Rognlin’s Inc. after receiving only one bid above estimates.
State, county officials, city attorney hold opinion that Berken’s residency is short of requirement.
A new set of ballots to be mailed to Elma voters this week
Krack was charged in September 2016.