The Grays Harbor County Commissioners held another evening meeting on Oct. 3.
Three people, not including county staff, attended the meeting. The commissioners are holding an evening meeting on the first Monday of every month in an effort to give more public access. The meetings have been sparsely attended.
A public hearing was held for a franchise agreement to allow Coast Communications of Ocean Shores to use county road right of ways for operations. The agreement unanimously was approved.
The commissioners also approved a budget transfer of $50,000 from the miscellaneous tourism fund to the fair fund. The transfer is meant to cover operations losses suffered by the fair fund during a portion of the pavilion roof repair at the fairgrounds.
In the coming weeks, the commissioners will consider adding roads to the list approved for ATV use.
Currently, the county allows ATVs to drive on 22 roads in rural areas. A map of the approved roads is available on the county’s website,
ATVs using county roads must comply with state laws regarding ATVs on roadways, including licensing and safety equipment.
Three cities in East County passed similar ordinances allowing ATVs on roads within their respective city limits (the City of Elma passed an ordinance on Nov. 3, 2014, followed by the City of Montesano on Feb. 10, 2015, and the City of McCleary passed its ordinance on March 25). The county ordinance was, in part, an effort to partner with those municipalities.
County ordinance 422, approved by the commissioners in 2015, allows for residents to suggest additional roads appropriate for ATV use, and once per year, the commissioners will consider the suggested additions. This year, the county set an Aug. 1. deadline for suggestions.
Any or all of the roads could be either approved or denied by the commissioners.
Proposed roads near Montesano are Medcalf Street (milepost .326 to milpost .450), Owen Drive (milepost 0 to milepost .215), Cherry Road (milepost 0 to .174), Brook Drive (milepost .174 to .444), Lake Drive (milepost 0 to .296), Roup Road (milepost 0 to .521), Beacon Avenue (milepost 1.047 to 1.608), Old Beacon Road (milepost 0 to .032), Simmons Road (milepost 0 to .575), Schafer Boom Road (milepost 0 to .931), Glenn Road (milepost 0 to .107), North Glenn Road (milepost 0 to .6), South Glenn Road (milepost 0 to .153), North Fairbairn Road (milepost 0 to .45) and South Fairbairn Road (milepost 0 to .03).
Proposed roads near Brady are Monte Brady Road (milepost 0 to 2.580, and milepost 2.8 to 2.927), N. Winkleman Road (milepost 0 to .715), South Winkleman Road (milepost 0 to .109), Barrett Road (milepost 0 to .477), Firestation Road (milepost 0 to .179), Foster Road (milepost 0 to 1.034), Willis Road (milepost 0 to .49), Hiram Hall Road (milepost 0 to .410), Dwinell Road (milepost 0 to .307), Gleason Road (milepost 0 to .372), and West Satsop Road (milepost 0 to 5.285).
Proposed roads near Satsop are East Satsop Road (milepost 0 to 3.425), Stephens Road (milepost 0 to .434), Satsop Riveria Loop (milepost 0 to 1.543), Ash Road (milepost 0 to .302), Sixth Street (milepost 0 to .180), Fifth Street (milepost 0 to .128), Fourth Street (milepost 0 to .128), Foss Avenue (milepost 0 to .287), Moore Road (milepost 0 to 1.213), West Moore Road (milepost 0 to .682), Matthews Road (milepost 0 to .120), Fuller Road (milepost to .047), Lillie Road (milepost 0 to .760) and Oneill Road (milepost 0 to 1.239).
Proposed roads near Elma are Newman Creek Road (milepost 0 to 2.092), McIntyre Road (milepost 0 to .220), Hurd Road (milepost 0 to 1.430), N. Schouweiler Road (.040 to .268), S. Schouweiler Road (milepost .140 to .450), Allen Road (milepost 0 to .280), South Allen Road (milepost 0 to .127), East Schouweiler Tracts Road (milepost 0 to .470), Calder Road (milepost 0 to 1.165), Spradlin Road (milepost 0 to .257), Vance Creek Road (milepost 0 to .810), Wenzel Slough Road (milepost 0 to 4.880).
Other proposed roads are Hanson Road, north of Hoquiam in the New London area (milepost 0 to .680), and Baretich Road up the Wishkah (milepost 0 to .308).
The proposed additions also will be reviewed by the county’s deputy prosecuting attorney, the Grays Harbor County Sheriff’s Office, and the county roads department.
While new roads no longer can be proposed to the county, comments on the proposed roads can be directed to the commissioners, and a public hearing will be held before the roads are approved.