The best candidate for the position of Grays Harbor County clerk is Janice Louthan. Janice has a wealth of knowledge about every detail and requirement of this position, acquired through working in the office for the last 28 years. She began as a file clerk and worked through almost every position in the office, currently serving as the deputy clerk. If elected, she will be a working clerk from day one, with no training required, as opposed to the other candidate, who has no experience in this office whatsoever.
I work in the legal field and have seen Janice fulfilling her duties in the Clerk’s Office many times over the years. She has always treated people with respect, helping them professionally in her quiet and calm way. She is trustworthy and fiscally responsible and will see that our tax dollars are used in the most economical manner.
Janice understands that the Clerk’s Office is a team environment, and she values and respects the insight and opinions of the other employees and will work directly with them to make improvements to the office, including implementing a new user-friendly jury system with updated technology to better serve the citizens of Grays Harbor.
I encourage you to search the internet for the video of the candidate forum held in Hoquiam, where both Janice and her opponent speak beginning about 30 minutes into the video detailing their experience and plans for the future of the office and answer questions from the public. You can make your own decision about who is most qualified to serve as our county clerk. I believe you will plainly see that Janice is the obvious choice. Please vote for Janice Louthan as Grays Harbor County clerk.
Connie Church