Driftwood auditions next month

Production is “Here Lies Jeremy Troy”

Aberdeen’s Driftwood Theatre is seeking performers for its upcoming production of “Here Lies Jeremy Troy.”

Auditions will be held Sunday, May 21 and Monday, May 22, at 7 p.m. at the Driftwood Theatre (120 East Third Street in Aberdeen).

The director is looking for three men in the age ranges of 25-65 and two women in the age ranges of 18-40.

Rehearsals will begin in May and run until the opening show, Friday, July 7. For any questions or information, contact the director at dlund@centurytel.net.

Jeremy Troy has led everyone to believe that he is a qualified attorney. In hopes of making partner, he invites his boss home to dinner to meet his wife. A freeloading old friend from college, who is now an artist, turns up on Jeremy’s doorstep with a curvaceous model (right before the boss arrives) and discovers Jeremy’s secret and sets in motion a series of lies that follow in rapid succession.